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I am lucky to study at Col.legi Montserrat, which promotes team and project work. This allows us to develop many skills, create initiatives that have a meaningful impact, and participate in activities with other schools. Engaging in these projects and setting myself challenges encourages me to step outside of my comfort zone and seek to better every day.



Last year I joined the European Youth Parliament, which is one of the largest European platforms for political debate, international networking, learning, and idea exchange among young people.

We held the Regional Session in Barcelona in mid-february, and I am extremely happy to have been chosen by the Jury team as one of the three delegates who will represent my school at the National Phase in July 2022.

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Programming and robots are said to be the future. Although I have no intention of working in this sector, I wanted to use the chances provided by our school to put myself to the test and see how far I could go.

Best design award.

At 12 years old, and being the only girl in an all-boys team, we managed to win the Best Design Award in the First Lego League Competition.


I convinced 4 friends to sign up for a programming contest to learn how to program. My friends dropped out of the competition after a few weeks, so I decided to join the all-boys team. I could not be more proud of not having given up since we managed to win the 1st Prize (in the category of schools) and the 2nd Prize (in the category of groups).


We were invited to participate in a contest of ideas to enhance young people's eating habits during 3rd ESO (year 9). Together with my group, we came up with an idea about an app to help young people eat healthier. We won the First Prize with our prototype, and Mediterranean Foods awarded us a bundle of their products as well as a 3D printer for the school.


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