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As a child I wasn't very good at sports... gymnastics wasn't my thing and neither were ball games... I tried several sports (from capoeira to figure skating...) until one day I started skiing and discovered that I had found my sport.

Based on training and challenging myself, at the age of 12 I managed to join the Racing Team in the U12 category and I have not stopped training and competing since then.


Combining training and racing with other boys and girls is a once-in-a-lifetime event that instills qualities such as collaboration, solidarity, friendship, and learning how to help one another in cases of injury or fall.

Despite some catastrophic falls and a fractured leg in a skiing accident, I was able to recover and continue without fear.

When I'm done with my training, I try to teach some kids how to ski. I enjoy being able to offer my grain of sand by encouraging children to appreciate outdoors and sports from an early age. These classes help me to expand my creative thinking when it comes to exercises and activities. They also teach me being patient and adapting to the different rhythms that each child requires in order to progress.


I have the consistency and discipline to follow a training program on my own during the months when there is no snow. I aim to do it at least three times a week. I also use this time with my family to go trekking, riding, or for a walk.

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